When Good Samaritan Maud from Texas contacted the microchip company on 7/12, she was told they would reach out to the owner and share her information. She never heard from the family.
This morning, she was researching how to find help with microchips, and came across Microhip Hunters, www.microchiphelp.com and sent our quick jotfom in to give us a try! Microchip Hunter Ann was able to connect with a family member and they were able to reach the family so Queen could go home! Thank you Maud for keeping Queen safe the last few days, and trusting in Microchip Hunters, and Ann for making the connection! "Thanks so much for your help, y’all are so great!!" Our services are always free, why not give us a try? Lost Dogs Illinois www.microchiphelp.com Microchip Hunters
It’s so important to keep the microchip registration up to date and have an emergency contact in case you are out of town! A Good Samaritan found poor little Penelope in the middle of the street looking very confused. The information on her microchip was outdated and the phone numbers were disconnected. She submitted the information to Microchip Hunters and volunteer Julie S. was able to locate the daughter-in-law of the person she was chipped to. She had been in the family for 14 years. The owner had passed away shorty after she married into the family. His phone number had since been disconnected. Penelope was found only a few blocks from her home. She had been missing for 3 days. Poor Penelope is blind and deaf. The owner was out of town and the finder was willing to keep Penelope safe for another day until she could return to get her. It’s so important to keep the microchip registration up to date and have an emergency contact in case you are out of town. Welcome home Penelope!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters www.microchiphelp.com Champ says, “I didn’t like being lost. It was scary. I missed my Daddy so much! Thank goodness that someone took me to a place that had good food, water,and a safe place to sleep!
Even though the phone number on my chip was current, my Daddy was in the hospital and couldn’t answer or return the call. But I was a good boy while I waited. I thought, ‘what happens now?’ Don’t worry, Champ. Microchip Hunters to the rescue! Our new volunteer Cheryl was able to locate the owner’s son, who said Champ had been missing for two months! What a relief to the owner, who had been powerless to help in the search for his good boy. Champ had already been vetted and neutered when adopted from a shelter in February, and with the help of family, he went home to wait for his owner to come home from the hospital. They were so happy!!! MICROCHIPING WORKS! KEEP YOUR INFORMATION CURRENT! Thank you Chicago Animal Care and Control for sending this to Microchip Hunters, and for working with the family for Champ's reclaim! Lost Dogs Illinois www.microchiphelp.com #MicrochipHunters Our very own Microchip Hunter, Amy, connected with Firefly's family, he had been missing almost a year!! She started purring right away! Thank you Shenandoah Valley Animal Services Center for trusting in Microchip Hunters! This is a great example of the importance of a registered microchip!
𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐘 & 𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃 - 𝐴 𝑀𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑆𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝕋𝕆𝔻𝔸𝕐, 6/26/24: Firefly had only been with us for a few days at the shelter, but was missing for almost a YEAR according to his mama, Abby. Firefly WAS microchipped, but we were having technical difficulties. A volunteer organization that we often partner with called Microchip Hunters stepped in to track down Firefly's owners! Now kitty and family are reunited & we have true tears of joy! More than one of us were tearing up, in fact...We are so happy that we were able to help! MICROCHIPPING SAVES LIVES! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=872986358200093&set=a.628549485977116 #MicrochipHunters www.microchiphelp.com |
February 2025