Bordi's microchip was registered to his family that rehomed him years ago, and their phone number had changed. Chicago Animal Care and Control had him at their facility and reached out to Microchip Hunters.
Microchip Hunters was able to reach the family by finding a working number, and they provided the name and number for the family they gave Bordi to. They went and picked him up today, after speaking to them last night. We are happy he didn't have to stay at animal control longer than necessary...make sure chips are registered and transferred to you! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters
Could that dog you took in belong to someone that is missing them?
Once again, we can't emphasize the importance of registering your pet's microchip, keeping it up to date, AND the importance of scanning a found dog or dog you are taking in to see if they are chipped. It could mean the difference of having a pet for years, only to be returned to an original owner if the dog gets out. Princesa was picked up and taken to the Chicago Police Department and transferred to Chicago Animal Care and Control. She is microchipped but there wasn't a registration or implant facility to be found, until it was sent to Microchip Hunters who found the vet the dog was chipped with and was provided the owner information from 2019. I called the family, and they spoke mostly Spanish but understood their dog was found! Princesa went missing 4/5 years ago, and the family couldn't believe it! She was a puppy when she went missing out of their yard. They called her their baby and wanted to know how to get her - they wanted to go right away. They have since gotten another German Shepherd. The son called to confirm everything since he speaks English. We are not sure if whoever she was with for all these years is looking for her, but had they registered the microchip, she could be back home with them. Sadly, this happens too often and is such a simple fix. If you get a new dog or cat, make sure to get them scanned for a chip. If chipped check if it is registered by going to the petmicrochip lookup tool and entering the chiip number, or ask your vet for help. The dog or cat you are taking in may have an owner missing them! Welcome home Princesa, you are loved and were missed! Your family said they were looking for you for a long time. We heard she is going to the vet tomorrow to get checked out, and that she is adjusting to her home with the other dog too. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Clyde is home, but her sister Bonnie is not
Clyde was found and brought into Chicago Animal Care and Control where her microchip was scanned but had outdated information for her family. It was sent to Microchip Hunters where volunteer Cheryl was able to connect with her family by reaching a relative first! She learned that their other dog is also missing, and they wondered if she was also found. Clyde has a sister Bonnie who looks very much the same and has not been found. Microchip Hunters registered her microchip, and her family is waiting for a call that she was found! We are so glad that Clyde is home, let's get Bonnie back too, they need to be together! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Goldie's family was relieved to get a call that she was found. She is 13! Her microchip was not registered but the implant facility provided owner information to Chicago Animal Care and Control. The phone number was no longer working so Chicago animal Care and Control sent it to Microchip Hunters. Microchip Hunter Cheryl was able to find a number for the son, who said Goldie is his dog! He was able to pick her up with authorization from his mom (she was the person she was chipped to). Welcome home sweet girl!
Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Oreo was found in someone's yard near a forest preserve in Indiana, in extremely poor condition—her fur was matted with burrs, a stick lodged in her throat, and she was very hungry.
She was taken to a facility where they provided her with wonderful care. She had a microchip, but the facility wasn't receiving any response to the messages they left at the number registered. The microchip information was forwarded to Microchip Hunters, who managed to find a phone number for the wife of the gentleman registered on the chip. When Candis received this call, she burst into tears. When they moved to Kentucky in 2021, they had to rehome their two little dogs, whom they treated "like their son and daughter." She shared that the dogs were rehomed through extended family and that they had always asked to be contacted if the family could no longer keep them. Candis explained they now had a home where they could have Oreo and asked how soon they could come to pick her up! It was Friday evening by then, so they had to wait the weekend to reach the facility. Unfortunately, when they called, they were told that they might not get Oreo back due to her condition and the circumstances in which she was found. Candis’s husband reached out to me, explaining that his phone was broken, didn't show missed calls, and unable to receive voicemails, which is why they missed the facility's calls. He was heartbroken and said his wife was too upset to speak. He shared that Oreo and her brother were anniversary gifts 7 years ago and that they had even trained Oreo as a service dog. They were devastated when they had to rehome them but thought they were in safe hands. They now wondered where the other dog might be. The family they rehomed them to didn't let them know anything, but they gave me their number. I contacted the family who the dogs were rehomed to and learned that they had surrendered the brother to a humane society shortly after taking them in three years ago, and rehomed Oreo last year. I also contacted the Humane Society and was told that the brother was fostered and adopted by a wonderful family. I told the couple that I would contact the facility to explain the situation: why they missed the calls, why they had to rehome the dogs, and how much they still loved and missed them. I emphasized that they had no idea Oreo had fallen into this state and that they were ready to drive from Kentucky immediately to bring her home. A day and a half later, I got a text from Candis asking to talk. My stomach dropped—I feared it was bad news. To my relief, she called me through happy tears, thanking me for everything. She said, "You were the only one that listened to us and offered help, bless you." It made my day. Thank you to the finder, the facility that cared for Oreo, Jane, who reached out to Microchip Hunters, and everyone who helped bring Oreo back to her family. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters “Wonderful, thank you! You were the key difference in getting in contact with her and she said she will be in to reclaim soon!”
Dooke was brought into Lake County Florida Animal Shelter by a good samaritan on 8/27/2024. The stray hold ended, and the chip was submitted to Microchip Hunters. Sue S. worked on finding Dooke's family, and was able to find a current phone number! "She's frantic to get Dooke home." Microchip Hunters relayed the information to LCFAS and they connected. Dooke was at the shelter 8/27/2024 to 9/18/2024. He was picked up 2 days after his family got the news of where he was. He didn't need a new home, he just needed to go home. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Emer had it rough from the start. At only three weeks old Emer was found in a hospital emergency room parking lot in Texas by a hospital security guard. The security guard convinced a hospital worker that he would make a good puppy for her children. They named the puppy Emer because of where he was found.
The hospital worker took him home and took care of him for about three years. She then became ill and was no longer able to care for him. Emer was left alone in her home with the neighbors looking after him. Carmen and Mark would visit him at the neighbor’s home and make sure that he had food and water and as much loving as they could give him. Carmen and Mark were unable to take him into their home because they already had three pets. Carmen and Mark knew that this was no life for Emer and so they reluctantly gave him up to a Texas shelter who transferred Emer to a rescue in Chicago. Carmen immediately regretted it and tried to call the rescue in Chicago where he was, but unfortunately, he was already adopted. Carmen was able to find the new owner on the rescue’s Facebook page and kept in touch with her for a while getting updates on how Emer was doing. Emer was with his new owner for over two years. During this time, they moved to Ohio where unknown circumstances caused him to once again become a stray. A Good Samaritan found him in a Taco Bell parking lot where the employees were feeding him. The Good Samaritan cleaned Emer up and had him looked over by a vet who found Emer’s chip. After exhausting her options in finding the Emer’s owner, the Good Samaritan turned to Microchip Hunters for help. Microchip Hunters did everything that they could to find Emer’s owner by chip. Neither Microchip Hunters, the rescue he came from, nor the good Samaritan had any luck contacting this owner in Ohio. A Microchip Hunter volunteer checked the FB page of the rescue that Emer was adopted from and found the original adoption post with comments from Carmen. Because Carmen included her contact information in the post, Microchip Hunters was able to contact her, and she was very excited to hear from them. Carmen immediately said that she would try and contact the owner. Carmen said that she didn’t want anything bad to happen to Emer and she and her husband, now without any pets, would love to have him. Both Carmen and her husband attempted to contact Emer’s owner, but they were both unsuccessful. Because no contact could be made with the owner and the mandatory hold time had expired the Good Samaritan sent Emer back to Chicago to the rescue he was adopted from. This time he would not get away from Carmen and Mark. With the help of the Microchip Hunters volunteer all Carmens information and history with Emer was given to the rescue and they agreed that Emer needed to go back to Texas to his forever family. It took over a month to get Emer to Texas but when he got there, Carmen and Mark were waiting for him. Carmen said “He spotted us, came right away to us wagging his tail. Just perfect!”. It was obvious that Emer was very happy to see them again after almost three years. Emer now goes on adventures and is in a very loving home where he has a yard to roam in whenever he wants. A big thank you to all involved in Emer's safety and return home, welcome home Emer!!! Story by Microchip Hunter Deb, who went above and beyond to make sure Emer could get back home! Be sure to watch the heartwarming videos in comments!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Home at Last! The found Mix from #Chicago, IL, is home safe and sound! Found 09-04-2024. Reunited 09-10-2024. Welcome home!
Microchip Hunters helped get Lacey home to her family. The microchip was registered to the previous owner, and though the finders saw a missing report on another lost dog site, the 'blind' email was getting no results for a call back. She could have been home much faster, and had this not been sent to Microchip Hunters, Lacey may not have been reunited. The importance of a contact number can't be stressed enough! Microchip Hunters was able to reach the original owner who let the new family know the contact information for our Microchip Hunters who then gave the current phone number to the finder! They connected and reunited, and Microchip Hunters will be making sure to help update the chip as well as getting Lacey an ID tag for her collar! #LostDogsIllinois #PetFBI ID# 667635 Charlotte...
14-year-old Charlotte was found by a good Samaritan and taken to Chicago Animal Care and Control. Charlotte did have a microchip, but the phone number was no longer accurate, so they submitted the information to Microchip Hunters. There wasn’t a lot of information to go on for this family, but Deb D found a Facebook page that matched the owner’s name and had a picture of Charlotte! Unfortunately, the page didn’t seem to have been updated since 2016. Volunteer Jessica S took the case and was able to find the daughter from the facebook page! It turns out that Charlotte now belongs to the daughter, and she was looking for her. Within minutes of commenting on that page, the daughter was in contact with Jessica and she was only 5 blocks from the shelter! An hour and a half after Jessica took the case, Charlotte was back home with her family!! Let's get them home quickly! Keep your microchips updated! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Sparky is home after 5 years!!!
Sparky was found in Kansas by a Good Samaritan over 2 weeks ago! All efforts to find his family from the microchip and found posts everywhere were exhausted, until today! Cheryl M. messaged Microchip Hunters and Amy H. submitted the chip information! Microchip Hunters reached the family! Some research found a current phone number! Sparky's microchip hadn't been updated to the family's new address and phone number since they moved to Oklahoma 4 years ago, and they were crying and screaming when they heard that he was found! They contacted Amy and the finder Nathan right away! "Omg thank you so so so much! I can't believe it. That's my Sparky! We will be headed to Wichita within the hour" Everyone was so happy, and Sparky remembered his family! He is 13 years old, and didn't need a new home, he just needed to go home! The importance of microchipping your pets AND making sure your contact information is ALWAYS current cannot be stressed enough. Sparky made it home because of extra efforts to find his family, and this doesn't always happen! He was missed so much and means the world to his family. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters |
February 2025