This little dog was found and taken to Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter. His microchip was not registered and after trying to find the owner information, the microchip was sent to Microchip Hunters who were able to track the microchip to the pet store that sold this dog!
Junior's family was glad to get this call, they were sad Christmas day without him! Welcome home Junior, and thank you to WCRAS for submitting to Microchip Hunters! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters
Binx, was brought into Chicago Animal Care and Control by a Good Samaritan! He was microchipped but the phone number was disconnected, and the address went back to Milwaukee, WI.
Microchip Hunters received this case from CACC for help reaching his family, and were able to find a number for a family member that provided a current number for his chipped owner. I called Heidi at her new number, and she was really glad to get this call because she had temporarily rehomed Binx a few years ago with a friend of a friend, as they were moving out of state for a short period of time. They needed a place for him to stay. When they got back to Wisconsin, the friend had lost touch with her friend, and they never heard about Binx again. They were nowhere near Chicago! His family really missed him, and now live 4 hours away in Wisconsin, but borrowed a relative's car and made the trip today (8 hours roundtrip) to get him home from Chicago! Heidi's son said, 'mom, this cat was meant to be with us.' Heidi agreed and Binx is settling in at home with their 2 other cats. So far so good...he looks a little beat up from being out but is in pretty good health. We are so glad to be able to help CACC with these reunions, and microchips really do make a difference! When you least expect it, you may get a call that your dog or cat is coming home! Thank you to the Good Samaritan that brought him to CACC! Found 12/13/2024 Reunite 12/18/2024 Photo of Binx going home with his family.... Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters |
February 2025