Serena and her husband found Piper 2 weeks ago, on a very hot day. They told me she collapsed from the heat. They have dogs of their own, and they weren't all getting along, but they kept her separated and even slept with her while waiting to hear back from her family. She gave them kisses every morning. They took her to the vet too to make sure she was ok! This wonderful couple posted all over, tried the chip company and police station, but nothing...
When microchip hunters saw a form come through for Piper, it rang a bell... I pulled up the owner information for this microchip from Petlink, and tried the phone number. It didn't work. I called a number I found through some background searches, and when I went to text, I saw there were previous messages from 2020 with this family! I went through the texts, and saw that at even at that time, Sandra and her family hadn't owned Piper any longer. This family loved her to pieces and the kids were very attached to her, but she needed to be rehomed due to family medical issues. They had sent me numerous photos with the family. Nobody claimed Piper, but they had a family friend, Zoe, that said she would take her in. I also had messages with Zoe, since I assisted with getting everyone connected. So...I reached out to her yesterday hoping she was missing her. Zoe said she rehomed Piper to a coworker, who also rehomed Piper when they moved and couldn't bring her with. Ugh...poor girl. The coworker checked with the person she rehomed Piper to and learned that they let her go, collar and leash and all. They tried to take her to animal control but they were full and their new living situation didn't allow dogs. I let Sandra (original owner from the micochip from 2016) know what was going on, and she said that her son just moved out. Piper slept with her son 90 percent of the time. He loved Piper so much, and said he wanted her! He called me right away and was so excited to get her back. Serena and Weston talked and the couple brought Piper to him, along with 2 new ID tags. Piper was just as happy to see Weston as he was to see her. From Weston: "She'll have the best life ever, and a forever home with us! I'm just happy I got her back after 6 years!" Thank you Serena and her husband, you are truly heroes for Piper and her family. Thank you for taking such good care of her, and helping her feel loved. The mom said "The couple did a lot for Piper and my son today I'm very thankful " Piper has been through 5 homes in her 8-9 years of life. We are happy she is back with Weston and his family. It seems she is where she is meant to be. Photos from 6 years ago, and today!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters
"Not all stray dogs are homeless"
Poor Dottie appeared to be abandoned in an industrial area. Many sightings of this dog were noted and a good samaritan, out of the goodness of her heart, went out to trap this dog who didn't want anything to do with anyone. Once trapped, Cook County Animal and Rabies Control (CCARC) was contacted. Dottie had a microchip, and it was registered to an owner! She is over 9 years old, and CCARC was hopeful she had a family to go home to, but had no luck reaching the family from the numbers on file. They went to the address on the microchip and spoke with neighbors that remembered Dottie, but said that this family moved out 6 years ago and they had no other information. Thank you CCARC for spending days researching this microchip. No luck. Dottie was taken to Evanston Animal Hospital for her stray hold. Animal Control contacted Microchip Hunters for help! After double checking owner information, I was able to find a working phone number for George very quickly! I asked if he was missing a Cane Corso. He said yes, my dog went missing 2 or 3 years ago! George now lives in Gary, Indiana. He was so happy to get this call! He said he would figure out how to get there. I contacted CCARC to let them know I was successful reaching Dottie's family and that he wanted her home. Thank you to all that reported the sightings, the Good Samaritan that trapped her safely, Evanston Animal Shelter and CCARC for working together and taking her in, the ACO that spent the time researching to find her family, and to animal control for sharing to Microchip Hunters to make contact with her family! When Evanston Animal Shelter spoke to George he asked to pick her up Monday since he was working all weekend but then said his wife couldn’t wait and she drove down from Gary, IN to pick her up! George and his wife are just so happy to have Dottie home! They gave her a bath, and she is settling right in. "She was extremely happy to see me and my wife. I will send you a picture after we give her a bath. I'm so grateful for all your help thank you so much once again." It turns out she went missing closer to 5 years ago, what a happy reunion. Not all stray dogs are homeless. Even though a dog appears abandoned, a family may be broken-hearted and waiting for them to come home, just like Dottie's family was waiting for her. Welcome home Dottie girl, you are loved! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters REUNION VIDEO link from Evanston Animal Shelter "Their reunion was a beautiful one and we’re so happy this sweet girl is spending the night in her rightful home with her family who loves her more than anything" *Dottie’s microchip will be updated!* Home at Last! The found Bloodhound from #Chicago #IL is home safe and sound! Thank you Erika for caring for her and sending the microchip to www.microchiphelp,com! Microchip Hunters were able to contact the humane society in Texas that microchipped her. She was transferred to a rescue in Wisconsin, and just adopted out yesterday! Microchip Hunters reached her new family, who said she jumped their fence. They were relieved she was found and just at a neighbors home! We will be making sure her microchip gets registered properly and sending an ID tag! The finder Erika coincidentally is an experienced bloodhound owner and offered help to her neighbor if needed! How perfect! Found 07-22-2022 Reunited 07-22-2022. Welcome home Sally! Enjoy your new family!
From the owner "We connected and I have my dog back. Thank u so much!" From the finder: "Thank you for this fast and amazing work!" *** Photo at the finder, 'making herself quite at home' *** #LostDogsIllinois #PetFBI ID# 472969 This old gal from #Chicago #IL found her way to a special couple that took her in overnight. After posting her to our page here at Lost Dogs Illinois, we suggested, as always, they take her to the police station for a microchip scan. They did that this morning, and she had a microchip! This nice couple left "Amy" there at the 16th district so they could try and reach the family!
The microchip was never registered, and the shelter that microchipped her in 2009 was closed until July 26th. The 16th district (Garrido Stray) messaged the microchip over to Microchip Hunters this morning to see if they could get information. When I received this message, I was happy to see this was the dog I posted to Lost Dogs Illinois as found last night. I checked on the microchip and called the shelter. I confirmed the same, the shelter was closed until July 26th. This is why we really appreciate when rescues and shelters register themselves as secondary contacts and register for the owner as primary contacts. Shelters are not always open every day. This senior needed to get home, so I did some on-line searching for a name that connected to the shelter! It couldn't hurt, and I got lucky and reached the right person on her personal phone. She told me that she was out of town, but that someone comes in to care for the animals. She would try to reach them but wasn't sure if they already went in for today. I didn't hear back until 6 pm, but it was good news. They were able to find the owner information from 2009. The address on file was not far from the address "Amy" was found, and though the owner on file is currently in Wisconsin, he said, Amy was home with Geri who is 91 years old. Her son recently passed away. Geri and Amy still live in the same home from 2009. Hearing this, I called the 16th District to ask if they could bring Amy back home for Geri. Of course they were happy to do so - thank you CPD!!! When I spoke to Geri she said she would be waiting for them to come with her. These seniors need each other, and the owner was grateful. We will be registering the microchip for the family too! Welcome home Amy, your are loved!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Home at Last! These two were found but left the finders yard, and found again by another family. Originally found near W 19th and Marshall, Chicago, and taken to Oak Lawn but escaped the yard. Another family found them (still together) and Brian took them in to look for their family! They obviously belong together.
Thank you to a fan, Jennifer, who messaged Microchip Hunters to let them know they are microchipped. She was able to get the microchip numbers, and was told they were unregistered. I reached out to Chicago Animal Care and Control who microchipped them - they were able to find owner information, and both had the same owner from 2014. I didn't get a reply to the number on file right away, so called a couple of relatives who both called me back immediately! Bacon and Little were missed! They made arrangements and should be picked up shortly! Thank you to everyone who helped keep this family together. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters "Iceman" aka as Apollo, was brought in to Chicago Animal Control. Microchip Hunters received this after the registered owner's number was disconnected. "A gentleman came in to claim the dog but the person who's actually on the chip is not the same person."
Microchip Hunter Amy D. went to work trying to reach this registered owner to make sure he wasn't looking for his dog. After leaving messages and emails, she finally heard back from facebook messenger! His owner told Amy that Apollo went missing a year ago, and he thought the worst. He wanted to pick him up, but he couldn't get back to Chicago by July 6 when the stray hold would be up. He moved to Seattle a year ago, shortly after Apollo went missing. He needed a couple of weeks to get his job transferred back to Chicago. He also still had his apartment here! We (Microchip Hunters) contacted the Director at Chicago Animal Control and explained the situation, and he extended the hold for him! The owner shared his travel ticket to us, so we knew he was serious about moving back to Chicago and picking Apollo up. He was planning the move back here and this just sped things up! Talk about good timing! Amy D. knew this owner was tight on money, and asked if Lost Dogs Illinois could help with the reclaim fee. She also left him some food for Apollo, a harness, martingale collar, leash, toys, treats and a bowl! What a welcome home for both Apollo and his owner! Everything worked out perfectly, as if meant to be! We think Apollo agrees! ***Always get a new dog scanned for a microchip*** Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters "Cricket and I thank you so much, she's home. Thank goodness for people like you. Thank you"7/11/2022 Microchip Hunters were tagged on a post for a found dog with an unregistered microchip. She was taken to a Rescue for the stray hold, and they were unable to get any information for the owner.
The rescue messaged the microchip number to us at microchip help, and I was able to find the owner information. The outgoing message matched the owner on file. This was a landline and went back to 2013. I began researching to find relatives as I saw the owners were seniors, and reached a nephew that told me that his Aunt passed away a year ago and his uncle was not able to care for Cricket by himself. The nephew gave me their son's number as the son assisted in rehoming Cricket to the family's neighbor! I spoke to the son, and he was able to get in touch with the neighbor family that took Cricket in. They were happy to get this call and were looking for her everywhere. She is a runner! Cricket is now home, and the microchip information will be transferred, along with getting an ID tag for her collar. Thank you to our fans for recommending microchip hunters ( on found dog posts and to the rescue for getting us the information to help you! Teamwork!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters 'Noe' was adopted out by a rescue years ago. He is over 14 years old. The microchip information was outdated - the owner's phone number was not working, so the vet in Harvard that scanned for the microchip called the rescue. The rescue had the same information for the owner, Lisa, so the finder took 'Noe' home. The owner's address was in Schaumburg.
The rescue reached out to a Lost Dogs Illinois volunteer, who messaged Microchip Hunters. I (Microchip Hunters) spent the majority of the day trying to track a current number down for Lisa, along with emails. I also tried various family members. It wasn't until later in the evening that I finally reached Lisa's son, who thanked me and gave me her current phone number. Lisa now lives in Capron, close to Harvard. Lisa told me she has had many phone numbers since she adopted Noe, whom she renamed to Baby. Her mother recently passed away and she took this number over, so now has her childhood phone number, so it will not be changing. She updated the registration to this new phone number. Since the vet was closed when I reached her, she had to wait until the next day to hear back so the vet could get in touch with the finder. Lisa was worried, but was reunited with Baby. Here he is back at home where he belongs; welcome home Baby. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Sophia was taken in as a found dog. Her microchip was never registered but backtracked to the HUMANE SOCIETY - MISSOURI, who was able to provide information for the owner.
Chicago Animal Control didn't hear back from this family in Missouri, so they sent it to Microchip Hunters. When I pulled up information for them, I could see they lived in Chicago now! I was able to reach them, and was told they rehomed her about a year ago. When they heard the found location, they said her new owner lives near there! They contacted Sophia's family, Crystal, and Crystal called to find out how to pick her up. Crystal had to work a double shift the next day, so went in the day after to pick her up! She needed help paying the reclaim fee, so Lost Dogs Illinois helped out. The microchip will be registered to Sophia's new family! Welcome home Sophia! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters On July 7th, Microchip Hunters received the microchip information for Alex. His family's phone number wasn't working.
Microchip Hunter volunteer Liz reached his family through another phone number found, and the family asked for help with the reclaim fee so that he could get home sooner. Lost Dogs Illinois helped with this fee, and he is now home! Missing 7/4/2022, Found 7/7/2022, Reunited 7/9/2022 Welcome home Alex! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters |
February 2025