A little Gray and White Shih Tzu Mix was found by a friend of a #LostDogsIllinois volunteer early Friday evening. He was wearing a rabies tag for Boone County, but he was found in Chicago. There was no phone number on the tag, just the rabies tag number. The friend couldn't hold on to this little guy, but took him to Chicago Animal Care and Control for his owner to find him there.
The LDI volunteer contacted microchip hunters to help. Because it was Friday night, I had left a voicemail on the #BooneCountyAnimalControl voicemail. Roger from Boone County contacted me early Sunday morning, but the information they had wasn't complete. There was a name and address but no phone number, and unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a working number. Good news was that Roger was able to give me the animal clinic that vaccinated Ati, so I called them early Monday morning. Belvidere family pet gave me the owner information they had, from July 2019. The phone number on file was the wife of the name associated to the tag, and after leaving a voicemail and text, she answered me back right away. Blanca told me they gave Ati, now named Gordo, to her Aunt, and she was looking for him all weekend. Her aunt doesn't speak English so Blanca was calling all over for her but wasn't able to get any good news. She was very happy he was found, and sent the Aunt over to CACC right away. I let CACC know the news too! Gordo is now back home, microchipped and neutered. Thanks Roger, from Boone County for getting back to me on the weekend! Boone County Animal Control told me they really do all they can to help dogs get back to their families without having to take them to animal control! They even take them home overnight many times! Found 2/7/2020; Reunited 2/11/2020. Welcome home Gordo! Lost Dogs Illinois Micorchip Hunters
Home at last! Spike, the mix from #Schaumburg #IL is home safe & sound. Message: "Thanks to Lost Dogs Illinois (microchip help), they were able to track the owner down through the unregistered chip number." Missing 02/02/2020. Reunited 02/03/2020. Welcome home Spike!
*** Testimonial From Jeannie *** I have used Lost Dogs Illinois a few times and they are always very helpful! Thank you to everyone there that takes the time out today their schedule to help these fur babies! Pepper's microchip was registered in 2013 and still belongs to her same family! Microchip Hunters were sent the microchip information from Chicago Animal Care and Control. The registration information we received from 24 Petwatch had one disconnected phone number and one that didn't belong to her family. After trying multiple numbers, I finally got an answer, "Yes, I am looking for my dog," I gave her all the information, and Balanda told me, "I will pick her up tomorrow." Hearing this never gets old! She told me her sister was keeping Pepper for her when she went missing. I made sure to give Balanda the information to update her registration too. Found 1/24/2020; Reunited 1/28/2020 Welcome home sweet Pepper, you are loved. ~LostDogsIllinois Microchip Help Chicago Animal Care and Control asked Microchip Hunters for help reaching Leo's family. He came in with a rabies tag and an ID tag. One of the numbers was disconnected, and the other no answer. So, I sent a text. When I received a text back from the owner, she told me Leo disappeared from the yard and she was going to file a lost dog report. She asked if he was ok and where he was. When I told her he was at animal control, and about the fee, she told me they are 'struggling', and that she didn't have the money right now to pay to pick him up. She told me all about her daughter crying that he was gone, and what a great boy Leo is. Leo is an 8 year old boy, that needed to go home. He has a family that loves him! Lost Dogs Illinois paid the fee, and Leo's family went to CACC as soon as they opened today to pick him up. They are so grateful to have Leo back home - look how happy the kids are to get him back! Please help us get dogs like Leo back home where they are loved. Every little bit helps keep families together, and dogs out of shelters. "My family would like to thank you again" ~LostDogsIllinois Microchip Help
February 2025