Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters was sent a message about a dog with an ID tag late last night, thank you Toni. The phone number on the tag was disconnected, and the finder went to the address on the tag with no luck.
I wasn't able to find any current numbers, but did find an email connected to the name, and received a call shortly after. When Snowman's family called me, they said, "OMG, Thank you Jesus" and called the finder right away They were so worried. Snowman was picked up last night, and Lost Dogs Illinois will be sending a new ID tag with a current phone number, just in case. Thanks to the finder who kept Snowman until his family found him! Found 4/16/2021; Reunited 4/16/2021 Welcome home Snowman! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help
Henny, microchipped as Penny, was found and taken to Chicago Animal Control. The phone number attached to her information was disconnected, so Microchip Hunters went to work.
After no luck with 18 emails and 16 phone numbers, the owner and family members were PM on facebook. Henny's owner was visiting family in Ohio, and had not been told that she went missing, so of course, wasn't looking for any messages. Her daughter saw the PM on facebook, and let her know! Arrangements were made, and Henny went home! Thank goodness for her microchip! We asked that they update the microchip to "Henny" and correct the phone number to a current one. Shout out to PAWS Chicago: While doing this research, we reached out to PAWS, who graciously took a ride to the address on file to see if they could connect that way, since she was microchipped there and is a "Paws for Life" client. Nobody was home but a note was left! Thank you! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help “We’re hopeful that’s the case for beautiful Nala who was reunited with her owner today, 4/13. Many hours were spent researching and contacting relatives and friends to find the owner and getting either no response, non working numbers, or wrong number as a response, typical for this work. But we don’t give up. Late Monday night I decided to look at the brothers FB page again. I looked back through last year and found 2 phone numbers for a hall/ restaurant he owns. I made note of the numbers and made it my first task in the morning to call them. Before going to bed and first thing in the morning I thought it has to be the brother. Tuesday I called the first number without success and called the second one. I reached the brother, he was very grateful and explained that his sister was in the hospital, had surgery, and he was caring for her. He also explained that since their Mother passed away they take care of each other. They are in their late 20’s and early 30’s. His sister was very happy Nala was found as she had been looking for her for awhile and was thinking she was stolen.
Because the family communicated best in Spanish, Jeanette reached out to Rubio, who spoke to the owner and arranged an appointment for him today, and Nala returned home.” Thanks for your hard work on this Liz, our newest volunteer! Thank you Rubio for helping coordinate! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help A happy reunion for this little guy and his family. Sadly, Mr. Tibbs' owner passed away in 2020, and his microchip was still registered to her. There was, however, an alternate contact. The alternate contact information was current, and Chicago Animal Control reached her but she was in the hospital. Elizabeth explained to them that his owner, her aunt, passed away, and that the son kept Mr. Tibbs. She said she would call and let him know.
CACC hadn't heard back from David, so Microchip Hunters received the case with just a couple days left on the hold. Luckily, Elizabeth answered my call. She was able to give me David's number, and I left a message and text. I called again a while later, and he answered. He was looking for him, and didn't know what to do. He wanted to pick him up first thing, and would arrange for a ride. David said he missed him so much, and that he thinks kids opened the gate and Mr. Tibbs got out. He knew about the microchip, but didn't know how to go about updating the registration. After giving him the information to email CACC, I told him to make sure he brought proof of ownership, as he wasn't on the microchip. After numerous texts to me the next morning, David finally heard back from CACC on an appointment time once they opened, and was there to bring Mr. Tibbs home. We also made sure that Mr. Tibbs' microchip had David's information, and also left his cousin Elizabeth on as the alternate. Alternate contacts are so important - always make sure they are someone you still want to be contacted if you cannot be reached! Welcome home Mr. Tibbs, we knew your family was looking for you! From David "Thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate it. I am going to put a chain and lock on my gate from now on." Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help Victoria found a dog in Westmont, and contacted the police department there. They ran the microchip and got the owner information, took many steps to try and find the family, such as calling the numbers, emailing, going to the hotels, suites, etc. with the name from the microchip, etc., and there were no matches.
Microchip Hunters took over last night, and was able to reach the son who lives in Chicago. He had no idea what happened and asked how to pick him up. He said Chico is their 'family' dog. I gave the finder his number, with his permission, and they arranged to meet where the mom is staying. The son drove an hour from Chicago last night to meet his mom and the finder. The finder said "Chico knew exactly who they were. He is happy to be home! Thank you so much for all your help! You guys are amazing!" Chico will be going back to Chicago with the son... Welcome home Chico, you have a family that loves you. Thank you Victoria for all you did to get him back with loved ones. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help Chicago Animal Control needed help reaching Tux's family so they sent it to microchip help. Microchip Hunters noticed that his was an AVID microchip, but was registered to Homeagain, so checked both. Homeagain had owner information, and had Tux 'flagged' as missing since 2016. Avid had no information for an owner, but showed a sold to facility, which was PAWS. We contacted PAWS and learned that his name from CACC was Kiva, but no other information for an owner.
Here is the story: "Kiva, Tux, Duke - this handsome little guy has had 3 different names according to our research. He was transferred as a stray from CACC to PAWS in 2014. We were able to reach the owner identified on the chip. She called him Tux and said he was missing since 2016. Meanwhile, someone else was calling CACC trying to claim him. The owner identified on the chip went to CACC on 4/12 to see if he recognized her. She said he didn’t so she graciously gave him up to the new owner who calls him Duke. She was sad to let him go but happy he had a family." Microchip Hunters called Duke's current owner back this morning, to assist in getting the microchip transferred properly, and also to register to the manufacturer, AVID, since this contained the sold to information. Welcome home Duke! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help Thankfully Coco found herself at Chicago Animal Control, and thankfully Chicago Animal Control sent her information to Microchip Hunters for help finding her home. Her microchip had outdated owner information...and her owner speaks mostly Spanish.
I wanted so much to find her family, as the hold was almost up - there was nothing on her name, the address linked to her microchip had no connection to her anywhere, and her name is pretty common. I was hoping Paws Chicago could shed some light on this in the morning. Paws had the same information that was on the microchip, so no extra leads. I had to think out of the box...I started researching the address, and spent time finding the building owner. I reached out to a number I could find for him, and spoke to a woman that said they no longer own the building, and they didn't know her. My hopes dropped, but I kept digging. I was looking for the new building owner. An hour later, there was a voicemail on my phone. It was from the old building owner! He was incredible; when he heard about my call, he called up the new building owner, and got Maria's phone number for me. I called and texted Maria, and she called me back right away. Her English was pretty good, and I knew from the tone in her voice this was such happy news for her. Maria asked when she can pick her up, and I gave her the email information. She told me she has been so depressed without Coco. I mentioned she was at animal control for almost a week, and that she needed to act quickly. We hung up, and Maria texted me a few times, awaiting her appointment time. "I feel so anxious. She has been missing almost a year." I had no idea! CACC arranged for Maria to pick Coco up right away, and she is home! Maria is overjoyed, and said, "Coco helped me through some hard times and a loss of loved one." She is about 7 years old. Welcome home Coco - you were missed so much. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help Andrea posted "Annie" as a dog found with a microchip, and that she was waiting to hear from the owner. Andrea was visiting a company in Chicago for work and saw Annie. "She was laying behind an RV in the company parking lot, trying to get out of the sun. The guys there said she'd been there at least 36 hours. No collar but so friendly, came right up to me. I couldn't leave her there to fend for herself."
Microchip Hunters saw the post, messaged the finder to see if we could help, and learned that the vet didn't give her the chip number. They did, however, give her an owner name, email address and phone number. So far, she had not gotten any response. I also called, messaged, sent an instagram message, and found another working email. Still no reply. The next morning, I asked if the finder could get her scanned again, hoping I could find some additional information. She was working and wasn't able rescan until last night, but ended up working late. I asked where the finder lived, and she was only 15 minutes away from me, so I went to scan sweet Annie and was able to get her microchip number and look up her information. Her chip was implanted in September of 2020. I posted the information to our Microchip Hunters group to let them know I was working on this when another volunteer from our group commented that she recognized the owner and dog's name. She had the same phone number from the chip, but also knew the family upstairs, and reached out to them. They went downstairs and gave Kim their phone to call about Annie! Turns out Kim is in the process of moving out of state, and was in a car accident and is ok, but her car was towed with her phone inside. She was sending Annie to her son to take her while she got all her things organized to move, and didn't know she was lost! When Kim heard what Andrea told us: "From our perspective, we want her to have a happy ending. Preferably it's back home with her mom. If not, we would consider adopting her. She gets along well with our dog,” she didn't hesitate. She feels that is best for Annie as there would be a lot of changes for her. Kim asked for the finders number, and they were going to connect today to discuss. Andrea and her husband will be adopting Annie, and are happy to add her to their family. Their German Shepherd/Border Collie loves playing with her! Andrea has the microchip number and will be transferring ownership. Best of luck Kim, and thank you so much to Andrea for all you did for Annie! Microchip Hunters is a small but mighty group. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help When Sasha came in to Chicago Animal Care and Control, her microchip information provided two outdated phone numbers and addresses. Microchip Hunters were sent the information.
I found a working phone number for Joy, but it was out of state. I called and was glad to hear an outgoing message with her name, so left a voicemail and sent a text, along with a photo of Sasha. I got a text back, "Oh my God! My baby! Yes She was mine and I had to give her up to another family about 9 years ago! Oh my God where'd you find her? And I did have her microchipped. I'm literally I tears" Joy asked me what was going on, and told me she would reach out to her friend to contact the family that her friend helped rehome her to. The family that took Sasha in wasn't being very responsive, but were told where she was. "They are fully aware." Joy told me right from the first conversation that she would love to have her if the family doesn't want her, and that she now has 2 other dogs. Joy made arrangements with her family, and made sure everything was ready before coming to get Sasha. She also was giving time for the owner she was rehomed to. She let me know that she would be picking her up Saturday late afternoon. Sunday, I received a text. "I just wanted to follow up. I got her home she's adjusting well. I just gave her a bath and she's loving me like she never left. She's been by my side all night and today." Sasha remembers Joy, and now likes her 13 year old son. She also gets along with her 2 dogs. She is unsure of the 2 year old, but Joy said 'she has always been a good girl.' Found 3/28/2021 Reunited 4/3/2021 Welcome back home Sasha, you are loved! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help Mellie went home from Chicago Animal Care and Control Tuesday. He came in with a microchip from 9 years ago, with a disconnected phone number. CACC sent the microchip to Microchip Hunters for help reaching the family.
I tried several numbers and emails I found that could belong to the owner. I received a call back from my email! She was so happy, and asked where he was found - they were looking for Mellie for 12 days. He went missing on the 17th. Shainice told me her mom had him over 13 years and was literally worried sick about him. Mellie was picked up Tuesday, but something had happened to his eye while he was lost. They went to the emergency vet right away. It was badly infected, and he had to stay overnight for emergency surgery to have his eye removed. He is now home resting comfortably in his bed. We are so thankful that Chicago Animal Control sent this to us so that he could be with his family during this time. Get well soon Mellie, you couldn't be more loved! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help |
February 2025