A photo of a rabies tag on a dog at #ChicagoAnimalCareandControl made its way to #MicrochipHunters. The dog was listed as a neutered male. The tag wasn’t registered with Cook County yet, but Cook County was wonderful and gave the animal hospital information of where it was sold to.
The animal hospital gave me the owner information for Sam, a neutered male. I left a voicemail and text, and sent an email as well. A few hours later, I received a text back! “ Omgosh yes but I'm out of the country and I left her with a family friend and she got out. Where is she? “ She was shocked, but relieved, to hear she was at CACC! “She was in Blue Island!” I was confused when her owner said ‘she.’ Turns out this dog is not Sam, but Bunny wearing Sam’s collar and tag! Bunny is a spayed female! Sam is their other dog who was home safe and sound. I sent Bunny’s owner a picture to make sure it was her, and asked that she send me photos back. She sent several and no doubt in her mind, or mine, that this was her girl! I let Cacc know right away, and the owner sent authorization for her friend to pick Bunny up! What a relief for her; being out of the country and poor WiFi reception! “ I wish could be there with her! I feel like she ran off to look for us. I'm so thankful for your help!” I am on vacation too, and was so happy to be able to help Bunny get home. Dogs just don’t understand vacations. Found 12/23/19; Reunited 12/28/2019 Welcome home Bunny; your family will be home with you soon!
On October 24th, #MicrochipHunters received a case from Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) for a dog named Brutus. He had a registered Avid microchip but the owner, Keith, could not be reached.
I received a call back from one of the phone numbers I tried for Keith. He let me know that he didn't have the time to commit to Brutus, and made sure he found Brutus a loving home to go to. Keith said, "I love this dog." He was very upset when he heard he was lost, but called the owner he gave Brutus to, James. I heard from James. In June, James and his fiance' had some life circumstances happen, and sadly had to give Brutus to a friend that said they would take him temporarily. They were devastated that Brutus ended up at Chicago Animal Control, because they need a little more time to be able to take Brutus back home to them. They were unable to reach the friend that was supposed to have him in the meantime. James asked if there would be any way for CACC to hold Brutus for a month or two. Of course, I had to let James know that CACC wouldn't be able to put a hold on Brutus like that, but I gave them the link for Brutus in case they were able to find a way or a family member that could help, and left it at that. Little did I know that James was checking pet harbor every day, looking if Brutus was still available. I received a call from James on Monday, December 9th. He asked me if he could still get Brutus. They said they talked to their landlord, and have everything in place to bring their boy home. I was shocked, and said, I don't know if he is still available, and James told me how he had been watching and that the link shows available for adoption. Sure enough, he was right. All I could think of was that this dog was meant to be with them. Over 7 weeks later and he was still waiting there. I told James to email CACC, and let them know that he wanted to come "adopt" him back to them. I emailed CACC and let them know as well. James couldn't get there until today, Saturday, so had to keep his hopes up that Brutus would still be available for adoption, and he was!!! I received this text shortly after noon when CACC opened for the day: "Hi we're here now. We are bringing him home today! We are so excited to bring him home you don't even know; our holiday couldn't get any better!" A train ride from Elgin and back, and now the three of them are as happy as can be. "We're all laying down right now watching tv feels like he was never gone" Found 10/24/2019; Reunited 12/14/2019. Welcome back to your family Brutus. You sure are one lucky dog - good boy for holding out for the perfect adopters, a.k.a. your family. You are loved. Tiny is back in her home, with familiar faces, her favorite comfy chair, but most of all, her family that has loved her since she was born. Isn't that how it should be???
Monday evening, Microchip Hunters got tagged on a post of a dog that was at Winnebago County Animal Control for 7 days; thank you Elaine! The post was in hopes for a rescue to come help this senior dog facing some neurological issues. This girl's photos broke the hearts of many, including mine. She had a microchip that was never registered, but did backtrack back to the facility that microchipped her, also WCAS. I called them and was able to get the owner information. They also told me they had sent a letter. I sent a text to Tiny's family, asking if they were missing a dog. Not even an hour later, I got this response, "Hello! Yes! She is my Tiny! She ran off while we were salting." She explained that they searched for Tiny, but knowing they had "zero funds" they didn't go to the shelter, only to be heartbroken. She said, "I've already borrowed beyond my limits 😥 and it makes me so sad." When I asked Katrina if she wanted her girl home, she said, "Of course, she was born in my home." I knew then we had to help get Tiny home. I called WCAS and got the "bill," which was $173. Many offered to pitch in and help her pay, and when I let LDI's director Susan know, she said, "we will pay." No questions asked. When I found out that WCAS had no procedure to allow LDI to pay over the phone, Susan put me in contact with Stephanie, from CARE for PETS, since they are over that way! What a lifesaver! I let Stephanie know what was going on, and not only did she contact Katrina, she also asked WCAS about helping with the fees, and they ended up waiving them for Tiny!!! On top of that, Stephanie told Katrina they will help with vet fees if Tiny needed medical care and was short on funds to see a vet! Katrina's daughter was able to get over to pick Tiny up right away, as Katrina was at work until after hours! As soon as she got home, she sent me photos of Tiny back home in her comfy chair, along with her beautiful boy giving her love. "THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR HELPING US GET HER HOME!!!" Tiny was missed; their home wasn't the same without her. Sometimes we need to get the full story before we make judgements...Tiny loves her family as much as they love her, and belongs back home! Welcome home Tiny! I can't thank everyone enough for any part they had in helping get this girl back home. You are all amazing! Microchip Hunters received a private message from one of the caring officers at the 25th district in Chicago, Lisa. They had taken in a found dog wearing a rabies tag from 2016, and an unregistered microchip. After trying to get owner information, both of these turned out dead-ends,
We too were unable to get any information from the microchip, but had success with the rabies tag! I called the owner, and she answered right away. She said that Snoopy had been missing for 2 days, he got out from the the person watching him at their home. She was so relieved, as she is due to have a baby tomorrow!!! I let the officer know I found the owner - unfortunately Snoopy was already in route to Chicago Animal Care and Control. I notified CACC, and the husband was able to pick Snoopy up after work! Snoopy is over 10 years old and has lived with his family since he was 1. "Thank you for helping me bring Snoopy home. One less thing I have to be worried about for tomorrow!" Thank you Lisa at the 25th for reaching out to us to help this family! "Have a blessed holiday season!!" ***photo of the adorable brother reuniting with Snoopy*** After receiving an email from Chicago Animal Care and Control regarding a found Golden Retriever with an unsuccessful owner phone number, microchip hunters called Petkey, the microchip company. They sent an email and the owner called back right away!
The owner told me she was so happy to hear she is ok and found, She is a disabled vet that moved here from Florida recently, and didn't know where to look for her. She suffers from PTSD and Princess really helps her. Her daughter and Princess are inseparable, and was so upset she didn't want to go to school without knowing Princess was home safe. She told me she called the school right away to ask them to let her know the great news that she was found. When she heard about the fee to pick her up, she said she just moved here and has so many expenses, but would figure it out. Lost Dogs Illinois paid the reclaim fee for her and she went right after picking her daughter up from school to get her! The good news is that Princess was able to stay and get spayed before going home! Thank you for your service, and we are so happy we were able to help you and your family stay together. Happy Holidays! Found 12/4/2019; Reunited 12/9/2019. Welcome home Princess! Keep making your family happy! You are loved. *Photo of the adorable, inseparable girls being reunited* |
February 2025