On October 24th, #MicrochipHunters received a case from Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) for a dog named Brutus. He had a registered Avid microchip but the owner, Keith, could not be reached.
I received a call back from one of the phone numbers I tried for Keith. He let me know that he didn't have the time to commit to Brutus, and made sure he found Brutus a loving home to go to. Keith said, "I love this dog." He was very upset when he heard he was lost, but called the owner he gave Brutus to, James. I heard from James. In June, James and his fiance' had some life circumstances happen, and sadly had to give Brutus to a friend that said they would take him temporarily. They were devastated that Brutus ended up at Chicago Animal Control, because they need a little more time to be able to take Brutus back home to them. They were unable to reach the friend that was supposed to have him in the meantime. James asked if there would be any way for CACC to hold Brutus for a month or two. Of course, I had to let James know that CACC wouldn't be able to put a hold on Brutus like that, but I gave them the link for Brutus in case they were able to find a way or a family member that could help, and left it at that. Little did I know that James was checking pet harbor every day, looking if Brutus was still available. I received a call from James on Monday, December 9th. He asked me if he could still get Brutus. They said they talked to their landlord, and have everything in place to bring their boy home. I was shocked, and said, I don't know if he is still available, and James told me how he had been watching and that the link shows available for adoption. Sure enough, he was right. All I could think of was that this dog was meant to be with them. Over 7 weeks later and he was still waiting there. I told James to email CACC, and let them know that he wanted to come "adopt" him back to them. I emailed CACC and let them know as well. James couldn't get there until today, Saturday, so had to keep his hopes up that Brutus would still be available for adoption, and he was!!! I received this text shortly after noon when CACC opened for the day: "Hi we're here now. We are bringing him home today! We are so excited to bring him home you don't even know; our holiday couldn't get any better!" A train ride from Elgin and back, and now the three of them are as happy as can be. "We're all laying down right now watching tv feels like he was never gone" Found 10/24/2019; Reunited 12/14/2019. Welcome back to your family Brutus. You sure are one lucky dog - good boy for holding out for the perfect adopters, a.k.a. your family. You are loved.
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February 2025