Thank you to the IDOT worker who noticed a little senior gray dog in a field and brought him to the Fire House nearby. He was severly matted, nearly blind, and deaf. The firehouse took him to Chicago Animal Care and Controlto look for his family, and thankfully when the microchip was a dead end they sent it to Microchip Hunters!
Though the microchip was a dead end (the implant facility did not have the chip number in their system so no owner information could be found), one of our microchip hunters recognized the dog right away, when shared to the group, as a dog from the area she is in often! She was messaged about him a few months ago, and has been keeping an eye out in the area ever since! Oreo was posted to Lost Dogs Illinois so owner information could quickly be found! The owner was contacted and Oreo will be back home with his family soon, after a thorough vet exam and some care, but is doing fine. Oreo's elderly owner was overjoyed to get the good news, and his family is excited to have him home for Christmas! Missing 9/9/2021 Reunited 12/22/2021 Welcome home soon Oreo
Microchip Help received a case from a finder in Oklahoma looking for the family of a White Toy Pomeranian late evening yesterday. She was told by the veterinary office that the chip was not registered, but she wanted to be sure!
When microchip hunters pulled up the microchip, it showed it was updated in November, and when I called the chp company, they put me on hold and called the owner. They gave her my number and she called me back right away. I gave the finder's name and number to the owner, and let the finder Lily know she would be calling. She texted me back when she talked to Jazzmine's family. "The dog was lost way back on November 6 about an hour from me. I will be meeting her later today! I'm so excited I get to take her home! Her owner said it is a Christmas Miracle" Jazzmine is now home, with her 'human mom and her dog mom,' and their 'family is complete.' Thank you Lily, for double checking with us about the microchip! It put this family back together! Lily's family said Jazzmine is so so happy to be home! She missed them as much as they missed her! Missing 11/6/2021, Found 12/20/2021, Reunited 12/21/2021 Jessie's microchip wasn't registered, but she was chipped in 2009! Chicago Animal Control needed help reaching the family, and sent it to Microchip Hunters.
Microchip Hunters were able to speak to the grandson of Jessie's owner. He asked for a photo and confirmed it was her and her missing date! The grandson emailed and made arrangements with Chicago Animal Control to pick her up, as he said his grandmother is elderly and doesn't email. I confirmed with the facility she came from in 2009 yesterday as well, and Jessie is still with the same family. She is an older dog that needed to be back home with her family. They were missing her so much and couldn't wait to have her back. Found 12/13/2021 Reunited 12/20/2021 Welcome home sweet girl! King's microchip was never registered, but Paws Chicago was able to provide Chicago Animal Control the owner's information from 2015. The phone number just gave a busy signal, so it was submitted to microchip hunters for help!
Microchip Hunters went to work researching and contacting many numbers and emails until his family was found! King's family was worried about him, and set up an appointment for the following day to pick him up. Lost Dogs Illinois paid King's reclaim fee as they weren't able to, and Chicago Animal Control worked with them to get CRISP involved to help with some medical issues! King is a lucky dog, and very loved. Welcome home King Gucci was taken out with his owner as usual on a Thursday evening, while the owner took out the trash. Next thing he knew, Gucci was gone. He checked the area but had no luck.
A good samaritan found Gucci, and took him to Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC). He was wearing a Banfield tag with an ID but CACC wasn't able to reach the owner on file, the number and address were no longer current. Both the rabies tag and Banfield tag were from 2017. CACC was hoping to hear from the family, but when they didn't they sent it to Microchip Hunters for help, and by doing some thorough research, were able to reach the family. Gucci belonged to the grandmother of the person from the tags, and when she passed away in 2020 her son took over ownership for Gucci. I was able to find an address a couple blocks from the location found that matched this last name. He told me he was just planning to get some flyers out to the area, and was happy to hear he was found and safe. Thank you to CACC for coordinating his pickup, Brian sent me a text thanking us for our help. This little guy is loved Missing 12/2/2021 Reunited 12/9/2021 Welcome home Gucci Here are just some of the sweet faces Microchip Hunters has helped get home so far in December!
Thank you to CACC and the Good Samaritans that sent these chip numbers, tagged or messaged to for help! Barnie went home yesterday, after Chicago Animal Care and Control sent Microchip Hunters a rabies tag number that wasn't in the system, and ID tag with his name and disconnected phone number on Monday. After researching and finding some other numbers to try for the family, I was able to connect to the daughter in law! She facilitated the pick up for her father in law who doesn't speak English, and was missing Barnie since Saturday. “Thank you one more time for your help my daughter finally sleep all night because she was missing him so much” Found 11/27/2021 Reunited 11/30/2021 Welcome home Barnie! Lost Dogs Illinois will be sending a new ID tag for Barnie, with their current phone number! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help Pet Profile Rescue wanted to ensure a family wasn't looking for this very skinny and fragile 15 year old Schnauzer that came from Animal Control, so they sent a message to Microchip Hunters.. Animal Control was unable to reach the owner from the outdated microchip information.
After some research, I found a connection to someone that shared addresses together. They are no longer together, and circumstances led to them having to rehome Stewart in 2013. Elizabeth let her 'ex' also know Stewart was found, and wasn't in good condition, but she told me that she misses him so much and regretted having to rehome him back then. She is living in California now, but let me know she wanted to fly in to pick him up and that she would love to have him back in their lives. She wanted to 'bring her boy home.' She has the means and the time needed for Stewart. She had him for the first 7 years of his life, and her daughter was so excited to hear about him too! Chris from Pet Profile spent a lot of time helping Stewart get to a healtier weight to fly, getting him vetted, and to ensure his health was good enough for airplane travel, and today Elizabeth flew in from California and brought her dog home. She is so happy he is back with them. Chris told me "he fell asleep on her lap, he is home." Though this wasn't easy, Stewart will be living his senior years with his family he spent the first 7 years of his life with. That has to be comforting in some way. Thank you Chris for working with the family and for sending the chip to microchip hunters to help reunite this little senior. Chris said she was "glad everything aligned." Found 10/23/2021 Back home 11/13/2021 Welcome home Stewart Microchip Help received a case from a finder in Oklahoma looking for the family of a White Toy Pomeranian late evening yesterday. She was told by the veterinary office that the chip was not registered, but she wanted to be sure! When microchip hunters pulled up the microchip, it showed it was updated in November, and when I called the chp company, they put me on hold and called the owner. They gave her my number and she called me back right away. I gave the finder's name and number to the owner, and let the finder Lily know she would be calling. She texted me back when she talked to Jazzmine's family. "The dog was lost way back on November 6 about an hour from me. I will be meeting her later today! I'm so excited I get to take her home! Her owner said it is a Christmas Miracle" Jazzmine is now home, with her 'human mom and her dog mom,' and their 'family is complete.' Thank you Lily, for double checking with us about the microchip! It put this family back together! Lily's family said Jazzmine is so so happy to be home! She missed them as much as they missed her! Missing 11/6/2021, Found 12/20/2021, Reunited 12/21/2021 Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Nothing better than reaching an owner that has been missing their dog for 6 months! Today, Microchip Hunters received the information for China Doll's family from Chicago Animal Care and Control. The phone number on file was disconnected. After calling and texting a photo to the phone number that was just one digit different (was a 7 instead of a 2), I got a call back immediately! "OMG you found my China Girl! I was just dreaming about her!" She told me she had been missing since May, and that she had her for 11 years. She emailed immediately, and went to pick her up this afternoon! "Thank you so much I owe you so much" Sandra made sure to update her phone number with the microchip company! |
February 2025