Thank you to Rutherford County Animal Control Services North Carolina for submitting a microchip help request to Microchip Hunters! The family had a new address and phone number, and they were unable to reach them!
Stryker's family messaged Microchip Hunter Deb back from a new phone number after she sent some messages through Linked In and another work website. The family advised that Stryker has been missing since last Monday and she has been looking everywhere for him. She went the following day to pick him up since RCACS was already closed! The family asked how to update their information and Stryker will be getting an ID tag for his collar! All set, just in case! Welcome home Stryker, the photo above is of him back at home! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters
Blackie was taken to animal control, and his microchipped owner's information was not current. The phone number was disconnected, and Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) submitted to Microchip Hunters!
Our newest Microchip Hunter, Andy, did some research and found this owner on Facebook and sent him a message. He also sent messages to family members. Numbers and emails he tried were not producing any results! He thought this dog's owner may not be looking for him, and was very happy to get a response from the sister who said she would make sure her brother got the message that Blackie was at animal control! Blackie was supposed to be in the care of a friend. It was a matter of an hour and Blackie's owner went to CACC to reclaim him. He stayed for neuter and went home the next day! Welcome home Blackie!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Tinker's family was in Michigan and received the news from Microchip Hunters that he was found and at animal control. His microchip information had an old phone number for the family so Chicago Animal Control had sent it to Microchip Hunters, who found a relative who passed on the information! Tinker's family called Microchip Hunter Liz to let them know they were driving back from Michigan. and picked him up on the last day of his stray hold. They will be updating their microchip information! He is almost 11 years old. Welcome home Tinker! You are loved! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters An 18-year-old cat was 'found stray' and ACO took him to Joliet Township Animal Control (JTAC). The microchip was unregistered and went back to a rescue that was no longer in the business, so JTAC couldn't find any owner information.
JTAC sent this to Microchip Hunters for help reaching the rescue. I (Lost Dogs Illinois, Microchip Hunters volunteer) was able to research this rescue and found a working phone number for the founder. Priscilla was amazing, and she spent her evening and next morning searching through her paper records from 2005 for a cat matching this description and microchip number. They hadn't been in business since 2008 and she wasn't having any luck. Priscilla told me that there weren't that many 'Siamese' cats from that year that were adopted out. She asked if she could send me the ones that could possibly be a match, and I agreed that would be a good idea. This rescue was in Southern Illinois, 6 hours away from Joliet. I began researching current numbers for some of the cats that she sent. One of her records was to a male and female cat adopted from December of 2005; they were Lynx Point/Siamese Mixes. The owner was in Missouri, and the number was no longer current. She checked a Facebook page that had a profile of a Lynx Point cat. It looked like a match!!! So, I began researching this one next. Jim's addresses still looked to all be in Missouri or California, so I wasn't sure I would reach him. I did Facebook message him too just in case. After much internet research, I sent some emails, left voicemails, and sent texts with the cat's photo. I received this text message. "I have no idea how you found me, but that looks like my cat! He wandered off on Saturday. Can I come retrieve him now?" I was shocked, and of course so happy!!! I gave Jim the information for Joliet Township Animal Control, and Jim said he was 'on his way!' We are really thankful that Joliet Township Animal Control shares dead-end microchips with us for help! We are also thankful for rescues like Priscilla's that go the extra mile to help us get information to reunite these animals to their families! Sometimes we shock ourselves when we find good information and hear back from these families!!! Welcome home little cutie!!! You are loved!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Paris had a relative who was given a little dog. Nobody knew where the dog came from and the person that gifted the dog said a lady had given the dog to him.
Paris was persistent about getting the dog scanned for a chip and trying to find the owner, and her relative finally agreed to give her the dog. It had been a month! Paris took “Blue” to get scanned for a chip and learned the dog came from the Anti-Cruelty Society (ACS) so took him there for help getting him home, but also posted to Lost Dogs Illinois. Once learned that the dog was microchipped and at Anti Cruelty with a dead end phone number, Lost Dogs Illinois, Microchip Hunters (MH) reached out. ACS provided the microchip number and MH was able to find a family member after many, many attempts to reach someone from his family! A day after leaving a voicemail and text to relative Linda, MH was told Dianne would be calling! A minute later the call came! Dianne was really happy, she said Blue had been gone a month! When her sister became ill four years ago, Dianne took Blue in! She had no idea where he disappeared to and felt someone took him from the yard. Paris is a hero in our eyes, thank you for going that extra mile to ensure Blue had every opportunity to get home to his family. He is loved. "Thank you so much for helping us get Blue home" His microchip is in the process of being updated too! Found 7/10/2023 Reunited 8/17/2023 Welcome home Blue Lost Dogs Illinois 570661 Microchip Hunters Diana posted Bella as found to a neighborhood page - she was microchipped but the number was not current. Someone on that page suggested Microchip Hunters, and Diana said she wished she knew about them sooner! Microchip Hunters did some research and saw that the registered owner had passed away a year ago. Relatives were not answering calls or emails, but finally, a sister replied to facebook messenger. She said that Bella was rehomed, but had no informaiton. Microchip Hunters went back to work researching, and found a working number for someone at the address on the chip (different last name and only spoke Spanish). She had someone translate for her, and she said she would reach the family and have them call. After relaying the message to the finder, Diana, she said she speaks Spansih, so the two were connected. It turns out that Bella was rehomed to a family friend who rehomed her again. They got in touch, and Diana took Bella home to her family last night. She was clearly happy to see her family, tail wags and all. Welcome home Bella! It took of lot of research to get you back home! Microchip Hunters is working on getting that microchip updated too! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters |
February 2025