We are so happy Chicago Animal Care and Control sent this case to microchip hunters for help after trying all three disconnected phone numbers from the registered microchip. After many emails and messages sent, we heard back from a family member, the owner's daughter in law. This sweet 12 year old girl, has been with her family nearly her whole life.
Lilly's owner was just moved into a memory care facility about 10 days ago, and one of the nurses said she would take Lilly in. They were shocked and very sad to hear about Lilly at animal control as a stray, but said they would get back to me today. I was happy to hear the good news this morning. The daughter in law let me know she wanted to pick Lilly up today, and that she has a home for her. She will be living with a family member of a resident at the facility that loves Lilly. Thanks Chicago Animal Control for letting us help get Lilly picked up by her family. They may not have ever known where she ended up, and they are grateful to know she is in a good place. Enjoy your new home Lilly, you are loved. Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Microchip Help
Amanda made a facebook post to a group page, about a dog found at Wolf Lake, in Chicago on the Illinois side. She took him to a vet to scan for a microchip, because he wasn't wearing an ID tag. He was microchipped, but the two phone numbers registered to this baby were non-working. She had him groomed and took him home. She and her family quickly fell in love with him.
Meanwhile, Amanda's post was shared, and many commented to send the microchip to microchip hunters. She took the advice, and sent the microchip information in a private message late last night. When pulling up the information, I saw the microchip was registered nearly 12 years ago. I hoped this family still owned him! I called some numbers, and sent some emails before it got too late, and followed up this morning, looking for any family members I could find. After many wrong and disconnected numbers, I moved to emails, and they worked! The owner's daughter called me, and told me that "Baby" lives with her sister now as their mother was ill and needed help caring for him. She was so glad to see the email! He was missing nearly a week, but they just didn't know much about the microchip, other than they remember him having one. I gave the finder's information to Baby's family, and they met right away to reunite! They were so grateful, they texted the finder after to please take a reward, which they refused, and even offered to have him come visit on weekends if they wanted since learning the finder's children were going to be sad he was gone. Baby's family will update the microchip! Thank you Amanda for "doing what was right and in your hearts," as you said, "he is home where he belongs" Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Help Home At Last! This adorable Corgi/Shepherd Mix found in #NorthBarrington #IL was reunited with her owner! The dogs name is Sarah! Message: 'Thanks to the wonderful finder Jill who cared for Sarah overnight and kept her safe and sound. She had her scanned for a chip at a local vet & they left a message with the phone number on file. Unfortunately, that resulted in nothing. Once she posted on Lost Dogs Illinois, she was contacted by a volunteer named Sarah(coincidence) who offered to do some microchip hunting. One more chip scan by Jill and Sarah was able to track down the owner through relatives. Jill reunited Sarah with her very happy Mom. The chip information will now be updated! Thank you to everyone involved! It wouldn't have happened without Lost Dogs Illinois & Microchip Hunters.' Found 09/02/2020. Reunited 09/03/2020. Welcome Home Sarah!
Microchip Hunters at www.microchiphelp.comreached these pets' families so they could get home. These reunions never get old. Please let microchip hunters help you when you have a 'dead-end' microchip. Pets like these mean to world to these families!
Rocky, the Rottweiler was adopted at 6 months old, and is now 7 years old. He was at Chicago Animal Care and Control with a microchip that had outdated phone numbers for the owner. Microchip Hunters were able to find a family member through facebook, and arrangements were made for Rocky to go home. Triton the tripod ended up at the Chicago Police Department, again with microchip information that had outdated phone numbers. Microchip Hunters were able to reach a sister by finding a phone number for her. The sister made contact with her brother's girlfriend to pick Triton up. They were new to the area, and so glad he was safe. Mikey the senior cat, was found and held by a good samaritan. She called Avid to let them know this senior cat was found. Avid tried all 3 phone numbers and none were current after 15 years. Because of privacy, Avid could not share the owner's name. Microchip Hunters reached the family through facebook, and learned that they lived very close to where Mikey was found. They adopted him 15 years ago from Champaign, IL and he has been with them since. Another beautiful cat, adopted from the Humane Society of St. Joseph County in Mishawauka, Indiana also made it home. This pretty Tabby had been missing 4 or 5 weeks! The owner was delighted she was found, and will be meeting this weekend to pick her cat up. Last but not least, is Zeus. Zeus the 8 year old Pitbull Mix was found and taken to the Chicago Police Department. His microchip also had an outdate phone number so they reached out to us for help. Microchip hunters reached the aunt, who called her nephew to share the news where Zeus was. Simultaneously, the 16th district police department also sent 14th district officers to the address on file to notify family! The aunt said "Zeus ran to my nephew as soon as he saw him." Thank you Chicago Animal Care and Control, Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation, 16th District Chicago Police Department, and these good samaritans Alice and Claudia for going the extra mile to help get these loved dogs and cats home. Here is the link if you need us: www.microchiphelp.com Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Help |
February 2025