These two cuties had a registered HomeAgain microchip. Their microchips were implanted at CACC, but when CACC called the owner they had on file, the voicemail was full so they couldn't leave a message. They forwarded this to microchip hunters.
After double checking with homeagain, I learned that there was an alternate contact. I heard back from the daughter shortly after sending her a text. Her parents are out of town, and she asked when they close. She was there within a couple of hours, and Salt and Pepper went home! We love when it works like this!!! ~Jeanette Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters
The Poodle Mix found in #Chicago#IL on 7/24/2019 is home safe and sound, thanks to Lost Dogs Illinois Volunteers and Microchip Hunters! The finder sent the information to Lost Dogs Illinois. The LDI and MH volunteer was able to get the microchip information and research to find the owner. None of the phone numbers were working, but the owner was found through Facebook messenger!!!
Sophie was found less than a quarter mile from home, and the owner is very happy to have her back! Found 7/24/2019; Reunited 7/24/2019. Welcome home Sophie! This 13 year old girl found her way to Chicago Animal Care and Control with an unregistered Avid microchip, and the information on file with CACC had disconnected phone numbers.
I finally heard back from the owner on file, from one of the many numbers I had tried. Cleavon had moved into a small apartment and wasn't able to bring Precious with him, but he sent me a bunch of pictures of her. It was clear he loves her. Fortunately, Cleavon told me he left Precious to someone at has old address, and he gave me his contact information. I was overjoyed when he answered and said he wants to pick her up. He was a little short on the money to pick her up so Lost Dogs Illinois was able to help out with paying for her to go home. I let Cleavon know Shawn wanted to pick Precious up and to please email CACC to authorize it. I was surprised to hear his response that he was going to go with Shawn to get her. Precious went home today; this beautiful 13 year old girl really is precious. ~Jeanette Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters |
February 2025