"I have this cat. He showed up at a feral colony starved for food."
Thank you Claudia for taking care of Chester, and messaging microchip hunters for help with this microchip, and to Barbara who was feeding the cats! You are angels! "Its a old cat. Avid said named chester. No current info on file. Both numbers are no good and they wouldn't give me a address or bad numbers so I can reverse search. Chipped in 2006 is all she gave me. He is filthy and matted up. Loaded with fleas so had to be out some time." I was able to find some emails for Chester's owner, and got a call early in the morning. His family was in shock when they saw his picture in the email. She knew right away from his deformed ear that this was her Chester! Danielle said he got out when they were moving over a year ago. She was so upset, and was still missing him so much. He is 15 1/2 years old, and they really love him. Danielle called the finder Claudia right away, and 30 minutes later he was picked up before Danielle had to be to work. Her son was going to look after him at home. Danielle will be updating her phone numbers with Avid, and said he is doing great, still hiding a little bit under the bed, but when he comes out, follows her everywhere. Claudia said, "I cannot believe in 1 year nobody picked him up and chip checked. Cop scanned 1st found no chip. I scanned him at home and chip lit up on my scanner. I almost thought I would have one more senior cat. He is sweeter than all my cats put together." Welcome home Chester, you are loved! We are so happy you are home with your family! ***reunion photo***
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February 2025