Riley was found in #Chicago #IL. He is a senior boy, and wandered into someone's basement! He had a very worn unreadable rabies tag on and was scanned for a microchip.
The microchip was never registered and Victoria called the facility in Texas that microchipped him, but they could not find anything. She also called the facility in California that the rabies tag came from and left a message. Josie, also one of the finders, posted to a neighborhood page, where it was suggested to send to Microchip Hunters. We really appreciate that! While neither Victoria or Josie could hold on to Riley, a daughter in Schaumburg was able to keep him while searching for the family. We made sure that police and animal control were also notified, in case the owner contacted them! While Microchip Hunters was confronted with the same issues with the chip and tag, the facility that issued the rabies vaccine worked with the finder to try many numbers off the worn tag, and were able to find owner information. The facility, East Bay SPCA, shared the information to Microchip Hunters. It was from 2019 and the numbers and address were not current! After pulling up some background searches, it appeared Riley's family did live in Chicago now! Microchip Hunters newest volunteer, Deb, worked on this for a day and half. She tried phone numbers, emails and Facebook messages for numerous family and friends and was getting nowhere. Finally, a relative in California replied that she hasn't spoke with the owner in a long time but she shared a name and number in Chicago of someone who did! While waiting for a response, Deb saw that an address tied to the family was for sale. She reached out to the realtor who confirmed they still had this dog! The realtor said she would let them know, and she did!!! Finally! Deb got a call back! Riley's family was so happy and was given the number to connect with the family holding on to Riley. She said, "I have had him longer than my children." Thank you to David for driving Riley home for the family. Thank you to Victoria, Josie, the daughter, Deb and all who worked on getting him reunited! Thank you for submitting to Microchip Hunters to help get him home, Riley is loved very much! Below are Riley's back home photos...he loves his family too! Microchip Hunters will be helping to get this microchip registered, and an ID tag sent for his collar! Welcome home Riley. Microchip Hunters #LostDogsIllinois #PetFBI ID# 544545
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February 2025