Riley, a little Shiba Inu found in Blue Island, had a microchip that was registered to an owner with a disconnected phone number. There was no address listed and a temporary email address for the microchip company.
Thank you to the finder, who had the dog scanned at Blue Island Police Department, and to Cindy who sent the microchip number to Microchip Hunters (MH) for help. Background searches were checked by MH, and a number for the son in law was found, and the finder's number was shared to them! Riley went home right away, and Microchip Hunters helped register the microchip and order an ID tag for her collar! Welcome home, Riley! Once again, we can't stress the importance of updating microchip registrations! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters
Winnie was saved today!
Winifred was found as a stray and taken to an animal shelter in Texas, and was on the last day of her stray hold when they submitted to Microchip Hunters for help! Microchip Hunters (MH) was able to find information for the unregistered microchip and MH volunteer Ann M. was able to connect with the family. She was picked up right away! From the shelter: You guys LITERALLY saved her life!! She was about to be euthanized but I noticed she had a deadend chip so I asked for a tiny extension to reach out to ya’ll because we have worked together in the past. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Winnie just went homeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We are so happy that Winnie was able to be saved! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Princess was lost when her elderly dad, who has dementia, took a bus and wound up near Midway in Chicago - Princess is from Rockford and we are so happy that the she was microchipped! The elderly father was found a few days ago, but Princess was not. Though the phone number on file wasn't current, Microchip Hunters was able to further research to find a number for a family member who called back, and explained what happened! They are so gratefull that Princess is home, and she is so happy to be home too!!! They knew she was chipped and were hopeful that she would be found! They hopped in the car right away to travel from Rockford to Chicago to pick her up!
Welcome home Princess - special thanks to Lizette for scanning her and messaging Microchip Hunters for help finding her family, and to the person that was holding her prior!!! She is one lucky dog! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters When Peewee was found in Melrose Park/Broadview, his microchip was scanned and the numbers on file were contacted. There were no return calls, sadly, and many assumptions made.
Microchip Hunters reached out, and requested the microchip be submitted for help! It turned out that all three numbers on the microchip were no longer valid for Peewee's family, and after much digging on the internet, Microchip Hunters found an email and phone number for the family! The call back was priceless! "He's been with us for years we love him dearly. Thank you so much for your help with finding Peewee." The microchip information has been updated now, and an ID tag ordered for his collar. "We took him to get groomed and he was pampered" Welcome home Peewee, and thank you to all that took care of him along the way! *video in comments too* Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Ramon, to his surprise, was greeted in his Blue Island backyard by the sweetest Pitbull, collar and leash and all! Ramon took him to get scanned for a chip, and thankfully he had one! Cindy (also with Blue Island Stray Dog Project) messaged Microchip Hunters to see if they could help reach the family! Thank you!
Microchip Hunters pulled up owner information - the owner information went back to an address in Indiana and a disconnected phone number. After some internet digging, a number for a family friend/neighbor was found and she answered the phone. She was sure that the family would be looking for Kyro, and she gave me their current number! They lived near Blue Island. I left a voicemail and text late evening. The family saw my text and photo of Kyro, and was so relieved to hear he was safe. They texted back, and we spoke the next morning. I learned just how much Kyro was loved. He 'celebrates' dinners with the family, enjoying home cooked food in his meals. He is very special. I was told he was the sweetest, kindest dog! Ramon also shared this sentiment, as he said how gentle this dog was! He quickly became attached but knew he couldn't keep him. When I let Ramon know that the family could pick up later in the day, he graciously offered to bring him home! Kyro's family messaged me: "Thank you!!!!!! Million times over!!!!! Mr. Ramon is bringing him to me at 11….. May God bless you allllllll" Welcome home Kyro, thank you to Ramon and to Cindy for taking care of Kyro, scanning for a chip, and sending it to Microchip Hunters for help! Kyro didn't need a new home, he just needed to go home. He is one special dog who is very loved! Be sure to check out the reunion videos shared by Ramon - they are priceless! Kyro sure was happy to see his mama!!! Oh, and Lost Dogs Illinois/Microchip Hunters also made sure the microchip was updated, and ordered Kyro an ID tag for his collar!!! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters This little dog was found and taken to Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter. His microchip was not registered and after trying to find the owner information, the microchip was sent to Microchip Hunters who were able to track the microchip to the pet store that sold this dog!
Junior's family was glad to get this call, they were sad Christmas day without him! Welcome home Junior, and thank you to WCRAS for submitting to Microchip Hunters! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Binx, was brought into Chicago Animal Care and Control by a Good Samaritan! He was microchipped but the phone number was disconnected, and the address went back to Milwaukee, WI.
Microchip Hunters received this case from CACC for help reaching his family, and were able to find a number for a family member that provided a current number for his chipped owner. I called Heidi at her new number, and she was really glad to get this call because she had temporarily rehomed Binx a few years ago with a friend of a friend, as they were moving out of state for a short period of time. They needed a place for him to stay. When they got back to Wisconsin, the friend had lost touch with her friend, and they never heard about Binx again. They were nowhere near Chicago! His family really missed him, and now live 4 hours away in Wisconsin, but borrowed a relative's car and made the trip today (8 hours roundtrip) to get him home from Chicago! Heidi's son said, 'mom, this cat was meant to be with us.' Heidi agreed and Binx is settling in at home with their 2 other cats. So far so good...he looks a little beat up from being out but is in pretty good health. We are so glad to be able to help CACC with these reunions, and microchips really do make a difference! When you least expect it, you may get a call that your dog or cat is coming home! Thank you to the Good Samaritan that brought him to CACC! Found 12/13/2024 Reunite 12/18/2024 Photo of Binx going home with his family.... Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Missing for 6 Months—Louie is Finally Home!
Louie was recently found and taken to Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC). The microchip on file listed an owner from Louie’s 2012 adoption through CACC, but when CACC left a voicemail, they weren’t sure if the number was still valid. To help, they reached out to Microchip Hunters. After investigating, I discovered that the phone number no longer belonged to the original adopter. While confirming owner information, I uncovered a second registration tied to the microchip from 2017. However, before contacting this family, I wanted to ensure the original adopter wasn’t missing Louie. Through some additional searching, I located a current number for the original adopter. She shared that she had rehomed Louie later in 2012 to someone named Linda but didn’t have any further contact information. She also mentioned that Linda had rehomed Louie again shortly afterward. Next, I contacted the family from the 2017 registration. They confirmed that the couple had separated, and Louie had gone with the ex-partner. Thankfully, I was able to reach out to the ex-partner's family, and her daughter called me back. She shared that Louie had been missing for six months! She also told me they had Louie since 2012, and that he is her baby!!! Louie had escaped from a fenced yard while her grandmother was caring for him and hadn’t been seen since—until 11/15. The family was overjoyed to hear Louie had been found, and they reclaimed him the very next day. Louie is now safely back home. While he came back shaved and with some stitches, he is recovering well and surrounded by love. The microchip has been updated with the correct information to ensure Louie is always traceable. Welcome home, Louie—you are so loved! Lost Dogs Illinois Microchip Hunters Thank you to Cincinnati Animal CARE for submitting the chip information to get this dog home! Sometimes it takes some extra digging, and Microchip Hunters really takes the time to do that!
Loyal was found as a stray and taken to Cincinnati Animal CARE on November 10th. CAC tried the phone number on Loyal’s microchip and found it was disconnected. They noted that Loyal seemed to “have been well-cared-for and cherished." Loyal’s stray hold passed, and he was listed as available for adoption, noting his “mesmerizing eyes and an endearing face." In a last-ditch effort to find his owner, they submitted his information to the Microchip Hunters. Jessica S took the case on November 16th and started digging. Late on the evening of the 17th she got a response from someone who recognized Loyal and knew his mom! Loyal’s mom called early on the 18th to find out where he was located. A few hours later the Microchip Hunters received a wonderful email from Cincinnati Animal CARE. "Happy to report Loyal’s Owner is here now picking him up! This was a Returned to Owner 10000% thanks to MicrochipHunters!!! We wouldn't have gotten him home without your help. He was already off his stray hold and in our adoption run when I submitted it to you. Truly great work for this guy." Welcome home sweet Loyal, your family loves you!!! You do have an endearing face! Lost Dogs Illinois MicrochipHunters Ann M worked her first case with MIcrochip Hunters today, and it was a success!
Poor Bubba, adopted from San Antonio Animal Care Services (Texas) in 2013 was found injured and taken to them. The information from the adoption and chip lead to a disconnected number, but Ann M was able to find the wife who told her that Bubba was rehomed when her husband passed away in February. It was too much for her at the time because they have a lot of animals and a family friend offered to take him and she thought he would be well cared for. "We had too many dogs and he promised he was going to a good home" She went right away to pick him up, showed them her husband's death certificate, and he is back home with her! Get well soon Bubba, you are loved! Lost Dogs Illinois #Microchip Hunters |
February 2025